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Journal information

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IEEE T Electromagn C)

IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., Piscataway


ISSN: 0018-9375

ISSN-L: 0018-9375

ISSN online: 1558-187X

Language: Inglés

Technical journal:

Indexed in WoS or Scopus:

Latindex: No

2022 2,100Q3 0,971Q1
2021 2,036Q3 0,854Q1
2020 2,006Q3 0,655Q1
2019 1,882Q3 0,841Q1
2018 2,274Q2-Q1
2017 1,520Q2-Q1
2016 1,658Q2-Q1
2015 1,146Q2--
2014 1,297Q2-Q1
2013 1,351Q2-Q1
2012 1,327Q2-Q2
2011 1,178Q2-Q2
2010 0,808---
2009 1,294---
2008 1,083---
2007 0,835---
2006 0,770---
2005 0,873---
2004 0,774---
2002 0,649---